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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Austin and Kayla's Wedding

On St. Patrick's Day, we were the lucky ones to be part of Austin & Kayla's wedding at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Kayla wore a green garter for luck under her beautiful criss-crossed spaghetti strapped satin, lace & sequin gown. And Austin couldn't wait to put his lucky shamrock hat back on at the reception. We heard it was a rare occasion to see Austin w/out a hat on - not to mention a tuxedo! There were many special touches making their wedding a celebration of love and family. Kayla's Mom added two special touches to Kayla's spring flower bouquet, including a piece of lace from her own wedding gown and the wedding rings of Kayla's grandparents. They had candles lit on the alter in honor of their deceased grandparents along with Kayla's great-grandmother's bible. Austin's younger siblings did a great job as the Jr. bridesmaid, Jr. groomsman and ring bearers - along with the adorable flower girls with petal filled skirts. You couldn't help but go, "aaahhh" when the youngest ringbearer and flower girl were wheeled down the aisle in the eleborately decorated wagon.

The wedding was full of surprises for everyone. Austin was like a kid in a candy store the minute he saw the John Deere tractor Kayla rented to surprise him and to have the guys' pictures taken on. Then, Austin surprised Kayla with an Irish Blessing at the end of the beautiful candlelight ceremony. After the ceremony, Austin drove Kayla off into the sunset in a vintage yellow and white 57 Chevy. They drove to Riverside park where we were able to get some great shots of them in the park and around the reflecting pond.
The final surprise was at the reception when the couple surprised both sets of parents with a fun video by Fat Cat Productions, detailing how they met and thanking their parents for their support and love.

Kayla & Austin, thanks again for letting us be part of your special day. This is our Irish wish for you: May each of your days be touched with a bit of luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smiles of people you love.

And in honor of the happy couple we would like to wish all of you the following Old Irish Blessings:

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, may Gold hold you in the palm of His hand.

Click Here to view the Debut Trailer of the wedding day.

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